Claire Ogden – Staff Director

Claire has worked in health and social care since the mid 1990’s, first with the NHS before moving over to social care. She was one of the original group of staff that transferred from Rochdale Council to PossAbilities as part of our ‘spin-out’ in 2014. In fact, she was part of the group that devised our original mission statement and values.

Passionate about the people she supports, she ensures that they receive opportunities to enable them to be the best they can be and completely live the life that they choose.

She is an enthusiastic advocate of supporting recruitment, especially for apprentices, setting them off on a path for  careers in health and social care.

Outside of work Claire is a Parent Governor at her youngest son’s high school, and a qualified Club Welfare Officer. She is currently in this post with the mighty Shawclough FC. It’s a ‘family Affair’ with both her sons being involved with the club too
